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  • Writer's pictureKate Donohoe

Loopy Needles on the telly!

If someone had told me when I resigned from my full-time managerial job to work on Loopy Needles full time that I'd be on the telly within 2 years I would have laughed in their face. "Me? On TV? Live TV? No way. No thank you! I'd be far too nervous and wouldn't be able to concentrate...."

That scene with Garth from Wayne's World springs to mind.

But, fast-forward 1 year, 10 and a half months to yesterday at 10am and low and behold - there I was, sitting on a sofa with Fiona Egan, a Hochanda TV presenter sitting to my left, watching the floor manager counting down from 5 with her hands and getting us ready to be on a whole hour of live TV, dedicated to my Loopy Kits: Crocheted pig, shark and dog hats, and knitted hi-viz neckwarmers in 3 colours.

My job for the next hour was to go through all the kits in detail with Fiona, demonstrate some stitches and show some crochet and knitting hints and tips and help sell the kits that I had been working on for the last couple of months, the same kits my husband and I had packaged together in our dining room the weekend before.

That hour zoomed by. I couldn't believe how not nervous I felt. I even spoke to Fiona about it before we went live as I was a bit worried how normal everything seemed. "Just go with it, don't worry about not being nervous, just have fun" was her reply. She was so friendly as was everyone on the Hochanda team that I did exactly that. I knew my subject, I knew every element of all the kits, I knew how to make them, so I went with it and I loved every second. Two more live demonstration shows followed at 2pm and 6pm where I again demonstrated the kits and went through some hints and tips I had learned along the way which I thought would be helpful to the viewers.

I got home at 11pm very tired after a long day and long drive from Peterborough, but arrived to a bunch of flowers, chilled bottle of Prosecco and smiling proud husband. We will be enjoying the Prosecco tonight once the first batch of kits has been labelled ready to dispatch. Fingers crossed I will be able to do another show soon, if they have me back!

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